Experimental Research at ASC – 2019

The DEC has scoured the ASC program to help you identify the sessions that present findings from experimental research. Support experimental research by attending the sessions below.


Session TitleStart TimeEnd TimeDayRoom
Community Correctional Program Evaluations8:00am9:20amWed, Nov 13Sierra A, 5th Level
Drug Use in a Global Context8:00am9:20amWed, Nov 13Sierra F, 5th Level
Mapping emerging technologies of punishment in pre-trial courts8:00am9:20amWed, Nov 13Salon 13, Lower B2 Level
School Police and Student Experiences in Central Texas – Findings from a School Safety Study8:00am9:20amWed, Nov 13Juniper, B2 Level
Strategies to Prevent, Reduce and Measure Crime Victimization8:00am9:20amWed, Nov 13Nob Hill A, Lower B2 Level
Correctional Policy and Programming9:30am10:50amWed, Nov 13Sierra A, 5th Level
DWC NIJ VAWA Lightning Talk “Measuring the Impact of Federal Legislation and Programs Funded Under Them: The Case of the Violence Against Women Act”9:30am10:50amWed, Nov 13Foothill G1, 2nd Level
PROTON (Modelling the Processes of Recruitment to Terrorism and Organized Crime Networks)9:30am10:50amWed, Nov 13Salon 8, Lower B2 Level
Psychophysiological Factors in Psychopathy9:30am10:50amWed, Nov 13Pacific B, 4th Level
Punishment, the Courts, and Judicial Decision-Making9:30am10:50amWed, Nov 13Sierra I, 5th Level
Roundtable: Race, Ethnicity, and Policing9:30am10:50amWed, Nov 13Golden Gate Salon B, Area 3, B2 Level
Strength-Based and Prosocial-Focused Developmental and LC Criminology9:30am10:50amWed, Nov 13Sierra K, 5th Level
The Complexities of Marijuana Decriminalization9:30am10:50amWed, Nov 13Salon 1, Lower B2 Level
Active Learning for the New Era11:00am12:20pmWed, Nov 13Juniper, B2 Level
Biopsychosocial Lightning Talks11:00am12:20pmWed, Nov 13Salon 10, Lower B2
Community-based crime prevention11:00am12:20pmWed, Nov 13Foothill B, 2nd Level
DWC NIJ VAWA Panel: Preventing and Addressing Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration11:00am12:20pmWed, Nov 13Pacific I, 4th Level
Improving Police Responses to People with Mental Illness11:00am12:20pmWed, Nov 13Sierra J, 5th Level
Labeling and Stigma I11:00am12:20pmWed, Nov 13Foothill A, 2nd Level
Legal Issues in Criminal Justice and Punishment11:00am12:20pmWed, Nov 13Sierra I, 5th Level
New Directions in Moral Criminology11:00am12:20pmWed, Nov 13 Salon 8, Lower B2 Level
Promising Practices and Approaches for Justice-Involved Youth11:00am12:20pmWed, Nov 13Salon 5, Lower B2 Level
Roundtable: Critical Criminology & State Crime Studies: Theory, Method, Integration, & Application11:00am12:20pmWed, Nov 13Golden Gate Salon B, Area 5, B2 Level
School Safety and Stakeholders11:00am12:20pmWed, Nov 13Pacific D, 4th Level
School Violence and Safety Tip Lines11:00am12:20pmWed, Nov 13Pacific C, 4th Level
Victimization among college students11:00am12:20pmWed, Nov 13Nob Hill C, Lower B2 Level
Addressing Inequity in Research Methods Using Participatory Action Research Principles: Contexts of Community and Prisons12:30pm1:50pmWed, Nov 13Sierra C, 5th Level
Community Level Policing12:30pm1:50pmWed, Nov 13Sierra D, 5th Level
Criminal Justice Involvement and Cumulative Disadvantage: Impacts Inside and Beyond the System12:30pm1:50pmWed, Nov 13Foothill E, 2nd Level
Division and Academy of Experimental Criminology Joint Session: Awards Ceremony and Joan McCord Award Lecture12:30pm1:50pmWed, Nov 13Salon C2, B2 Level
Lightning Talk: Criminal Justice Stakeholders: Perceptions & Perspectives12:30pm1:50pmWed, Nov 13Pacific D, 4th Level
The Influence of Social Contexts on Victimization and Criminal Experiences12:30pm1:50pmWed, Nov 13Salon 11, Lower B2 Level
Body Worn Cameras I2:00pm3:20pmWed, Nov 13Salon 5, Lower B2 Level
Characteristics of Sex Work and Sex Work Purchasing2:00pm3:20pmWed, Nov 13Willow, B2 Level
Criminal Justice Responses to Drug Use and Health3:30pm4:50pmWed, Nov 13Sierra A, 5th Level
Deflection and pretrial reform within a rural jurisdiction3:30pm4:50pmWed, Nov 13Salon 12, Lower B2 Level
Evidence-Based Crime Policy I3:30pm4:50pmWed, Nov 13Foothill G1, 2nd Level
Political Violence - International and Comparative Perspectives II3:30pm4:50pmWed, Nov 13Nob Hill B, Lower B2 Level
Arrests, Custody, and Investigations5:00pm6:20pmWed, Nov 13Nob Hill C, Lower B2 Level
Communities and Substance Use5:00pm6:20pmWed, Nov 13Salon 4, Lower B2 Level
Lightning Talk: Educational Policies & Practice: Race, Ethnicity, and Class Considerations5:00pm6:20pmWed, Nov 13Juniper, B2 Level
New Perspectives in Offender Decision Making5:00pm6:20pmWed, Nov 13Salon 14, Lower B2 Level
Roundtable: Critical Approaches to Youth Justice: Emerging Trends and Prospects for Social Justice5:00pm6:20pmWed, Nov 13Soma, Area 2, 2nd Level
Teaching to Foster Empathy and Understanding5:00pm6:20pmWed, Nov 13Salon 13, Lower B2 Level
Types and risk factors of cyber-victimization5:00pm6:20pmWed, Nov 13Salon 11, Lower B2 Level
Using Technology: Continuity and Change in Police and Prosecutorial Practices5:00pm6:20pmWed, Nov 13Salon 12, Lower B2 Level
We Can Work it Out: Collaborating to Implement a Randomized-Control Trial in a State-wide Juvenile Justice System5:00pm6:20pmWed, Nov 13Salon 2, Lower B2 Level


Session TitleStart TimeEnd TimeDayRoom
Analysis Issues in Criminal Justice and Criminology Research8:00am9:20amThu, Nov 14Sierra A, 5th Level
Evidence-Based Crime Policy II8:00am9:20amThu, Nov 14Foothill E, 2nd Level
Fear and Perceptions of Safety: Space, Place and Environmental Design8:00am9:20amThu, Nov 14Pacific B, 4th Level
Handling Sexual Assaults: From Training to Investigations8:00am9:20amThu, Nov 14Juniper, B2 Level
Justice, Injustice, and Police Practices8:00am9:20amThu, Nov 14Foothill H, 2nd Level
Neighborhood, Poverty, and Crime8:00am9:20amThu, Nov 14 Sierra J, 5th Level
Police Perceptions and Response to Sexual and Family Violence Survivors8:00am9:20amThu, Nov 14Salon 10, Lower B2 Level
Policing Vulnerable Populations8:00am9:20amThu, Nov 14Sierra H, 5th Level
Understanding Inequalities in Policing8:00am9:20amThu, Nov 14Salon 12, Lower B2 Level
Evaluations of Police Practices9:30am10:50amThu, Nov 14Juniper, B2 Level
Experiments in Policing and Sentencing9:30am10:50amThu, Nov 14Sierra A, 5th Level
Extending Rational Choice Theory: Individual Differences in Perceptions of Risks and Rewards of Offending9:30am10:50amThu, Nov 14Foothill C, 2nd Level
Improving justice in Latin America: Prisons, communities, and evidence-based practices9:30am10:50amThu, Nov 14Salon 14, Lower B2 Level
Innovations in empirical research on human trafficking (Part 1 of 2)9:30am10:50amThu, Nov 14Pacific I, 4th Level
Innovative Approaches to Understanding Crime in Communities9:30am10:50amThu, Nov 14Nob Hill A, Lower B2 Level
Linking Theory with Method in Criminology Research9:30am10:50amThu, Nov 14Sierra K, 5th Level
Longitudinal Studies of Chicago Youth: Using Empirical Evidence to Guide Violence Prevention9:30am10:50amThu, Nov 14Salon 12, Lower B2 Level
Offender Decision Making: Situation and Context9:30am10:50amThu, Nov 14Foothill E, 2nd Level
Understanding the Patterns and Impacts of Police Proactivity at Crime Hot Spots9:30am10:50amThu, Nov 14Salon 10, Lower B2 Level
Advances in Sex Offense Policy Research: Legal Issues11:00am12:20pmThu, Nov 14Foothill B, 2nd Level
Innovations in empirical research on human trafficking (Part 2 of 2)11:00am12:20pmThu, Nov 14Pacific I, 4th Level
Journal of Experimental Criminology Meeting11:00am12:20pmThu, Nov 14Laurel, B2 Level
Preventing and Responding to Domestic Violence11:00am12:20pmThu, Nov 14Sierra I, 5th Level
Challenges in Measure and Methodology12:30pm1:50pmThu, Nov 14Juniper, B2 Level
Public Confidence in the Criminal Justice System12:30pm1:50pmThu, Nov 14Foothill D, 2nd Level
Reducing Gang Involvement and Crime: Promising Findings and Future Directions12:30pm1:50pmThu, Nov 14Salon 11, Lower B2 Level
Testing Situational Action Theory I: Individual characteristics and the perception-choice process12:30pm1:50pmThu, Nov 14Foothill H, 2nd Level
Theoretical and Methodological Advances in Policing I12:30pm1:50pmThu, Nov 14Pacific C, 4th Level
Communities and Place: Police Patrols and Tools2:00pm3:20pmThu, Nov 14Sierra C, 5th Level
Connections between Waived Juveniles, Mass Incarceration, and "Juvenile Lifers"2:00pm3:20pmThu, Nov 14Pacific J, 4th Level
Drug Treatment Courts, Therapeutic Communities, and Recidivism2:00pm3:20pmThu, Nov 14Sierra K, 5th Level
DWC NIJ VAWA Panel: National Institute of Justice’s Teen Dating Violence Research Portfolio2:00pm3:20pmThu, Nov 14Pacific A, 4th Level
Experimental Neurocriminology: Randomized, Controlled Trials Involving Biological Manipulations or Moderators2:00pm3:20pmThu, Nov 14Salon 14, Lower B2 Level
Measurement Issues in Criminal Justice and Criminology Research2:00pm3:20pmThu, Nov 14Salon 10, Lower B2 Level
Pathologies of Imagination: New Rules for New Times
2:00pm3:20pmThu, Nov 14Salon 6, Lower B2 Level
Sentencing Outcomes I2:00pm3:20pmThu, Nov 14Foothill J, 2nd Level
Substance Use Treatment from Sentencing to Re-Entry2:00pm3:20pmThu, Nov 14Pacific H, 4th Level
Exploring the underlying mechanisms of procedural justice and police legitimacy3:30pm4:50pmThu, Nov 14Willow, B2 Level
Navigating the Implementation Waters in the Age of Evidence-Based Corrections3:30pm4:50pmThu, Nov 14Foothill A, 2nd Level
New Insights About Fentanyl Markets & Harm Reduction3:30pm4:50pmThu, Nov 14Foothill G2, 2nd Level
Police Legitimacy3:30pm4:50pmThu, Nov 14Salon 12, Lower B2 Level
Prosecutorial Policies and Practices3:30pm4:50pmThu, Nov 14Sierra H, 5th Level
Public Attitudes Towards Police Legitimacy3:30pm4:50pmThu, Nov 14Sierra J, 5th Level
Racial / Ethnic Attitudes on Criminal Justice and Punishment3:30pm4:50pmThu, Nov 14Foothill D, 2nd Level
Roundtable: Considerations for successful reentry: Results from qualitative analyses3:30pm4:50pmThu, Nov 14Golden Gate Salon B, Area 5, B2 Level
Understanding the Critical Decision Points in the Criminal Justice System in New York City: Findings from the Data Collaborative for Justice3:30pm4:50pmThu, Nov 14Salon 2, Lower B2 Level
Comparative Perspectives on School and Mass Shootings5:00pm6:20pmThu, Nov 14Pacific H, 4th Level
Criminal Investigations5:00pm6:20pmThu, Nov 14Sierra H, 5th Level
Development and Prevention of Radicalization and Disengagement from Violent Extremism5:00pm6:20pmThu, Nov 14Salon 12, Lower B2 Level
Police Responses to Public Needs5:00pm6:20pmThu, Nov 14Foothill B, 2nd Level
Roundtable: Scholarship on Corrections5:00pm6:20pmThu, Nov 14Golden Gate Salon B, Area 1, B2 Level
The Elephant in the Room: The Power of Stigma5:00pm6:20pmThu, Nov 14Foothill D, 2nd Level
What Happens in Vegas Shouldn’t Always Stay in Vegas: Evaluating Police-led Violence Reduction Strategies5:00pm6:20pmThu, Nov 14Pacific J, 4th Level


Session TitleStart TimeEnd TimeDayRoom
Brain, Moral Judgment, and Neurocriminology8:00am9:20amFri, Nov 15Foothill C, 2nd Level
Crimes among Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs and Law Enforcement Challenges on How to Combat those Crimes8:00am9:20amFri, Nov 15Salon 2, Lower B2 Level
Crime-Specific Attitudes Towards Punishment8:00am9:20amFri, Nov 15Nob Hill A, Lower B2 Level
Evaluation of Training Programs to Prevent & Respond to Victimization8:00am9:20amFri, Nov 15Juniper, B2 Level
International Longitudinal Studies8:00am9:20amFri, Nov 15Nob Hill B, Lower B2 Level
Police Violence8:00am9:20amFri, Nov 15Pacific J, 4th Level
Combining Forces: Solitary Confinement Impacts and Reform Across Three States9:30am10:50amFri, Nov 15Sierra B, 5th Level
Lightning Talk: De-escalation in Policing: What We Know and Don’t Know (Organized by the Division of Policing)9:30am10:50amFri, Nov 15Nob Hill A, Lower B2 Level
New Directions in Research on Gun Policy and Ownership9:30am10:50amFri, Nov 15Sierra D, 5th Level
Peers and Delinquency9:30am10:50amFri, Nov 15Nob Hill D, Lower B2 Level
Roundtable: Scandinavian Correctional Exceptionalism in an American Context: Building the Foundations for Actionable Penal Reform9:30am10:50amFri, Nov 15Pacific G, 4th Level
Roundtable: Violence in Society: theory and practice9:30am10:50amFri, Nov 15Golden Gate Salon B, Area 1, B2 Level
Understanding and Advancing Legitimacy Theory III9:30am10:50amFri, Nov 15Foothill E, 2nd Level
Variation in Guilty Pleas and Suspended Sentences9:30am10:50amFri, Nov 15Foothill H, 2nd Level
Advancements in Policing Research in Israel11:00am12:20pmFri, Nov 15Salon 14, Lower B2?
Body Worn Cameras: Police Perceptions11:00am12:20pmFri, Nov 15Pacific F, 4th Level
Evaluation of Massachusetts’ Safe and Successful Youth Initiative11:00am12:20pmFri, Nov 15Foothill F, 2nd Level
Evidence-Based Crime Policy III11:00am12:20pmFri, Nov 15Nob Hill D, Lower B2 Level
Preventing Crime in Public Spaces11:00am12:20pmFri, Nov 15Pacific D, 4th Level
Public Policy and Perceptions of Crime and Punishment11:00am12:20pmFri, Nov 15Salon 2, Lower B2 Level
Sentencing Outcomes II11:00am12:20pmFri, Nov 15Foothill G2, 2nd Level
Substance Use: Evaluating Legal and Other Intervention Approaches11:00am12:20pmFri, Nov 15Juniper, B2 Level
Swift-Certain-Fair: Applications to Community and Institutional Corrections, and to Re-Entry11:00am12:20pmFri, Nov 15Foothill D, 2nd Level
Evidence-Based Crime Policy IV12:30pm1:50pmFri, Nov 15Nob Hill D, Lower B2 Level
Experiments in the Community12:30pm1:50pmFri, Nov 15Pacific C, 4th Level
Firearm Violence: New Findings from UCFC, the University of California Firearm Violence Research Center12:30pm1:50pmFri, Nov 15Foothill F, 2nd Level
NIJ Day: Multi-site Studies of Risk and Needs Assessments in Juvenile Justice12:30pm1:50pmFri, Nov 15Salon 4, Lower B2 Level
Reimagining Justice through Research: The Role of Values in Empirical Research12:30pm1:50pmFri, Nov 15Salon 14, Lower B2 Level
Roundtable: What works in Preventing Terrorism and Violent Extremism? A Program of Campbell Systematic Reviews12:30pm1:50pmFri, Nov 15Pacific G, 4th Level
Victimization of the Most Vulnerable: An Exploration of Immigrant Populations (Organized by the Division of Victimology)12:30pm1:50pmFri, Nov 15Foothill G1, 2nd Level
An Examination of Problem Solving Courts: DUI, Opiod, and Mental Health2:00pm3:20pmFri, Nov 15Salon 10, Lower B2 Level
Applications of video technologies: Findings from Urban Institute studies on surveillance, analytics, and body-worn cameras2:00pm3:20pmFri, Nov 15Sierra B, 5th Level
Future Crime Perspectives2:00pm3:20pmFri, Nov 15Salon 12, Lower B2 Level
Intervening in the School-to-Prison Pipeline by Disrupting Punitive Disciplinary Practices2:00pm3:20pmFri, Nov 15Salon 13, Lower B2 Level
Policy In Action: Analyses of legal changes2:00pm3:20pmFri, Nov 15Sierra G, 5th Level
Addressing the Challenges in Pretrial Practices3:30pm4:50pmFri, Nov 15Foothill J, 2nd Level
Cross-National and International Police Strategies3:30pm4:50pmFri, Nov 15Sierra D, 5th Level
Is More Better?: What Works in Effective Reentry3:30pm4:50pmFri, Nov 15Salon 1, Lower B2 Level
NIJ Day: Studies of State-level Juvenile Justice System Improvement Efforts3:30pm4:50pmFri, Nov 15Salon 4, Lower B2 Level
Procedural Justice and Policing3:30pm4:50pmFri, Nov 15Salon 5, Lower B2 Level
Rethinking Deviance: Beyond Strain and Social Reaction Theory3:30pm4:50pmFri, Nov 15Juniper, B2 Level
Toward Evidence-Based Approaches to Prevent and Reduce Gang Violence and Involvement3:30pm4:50pmFri, Nov 15Salon 11, Lower B2 Level
Using Big Data for Criminal Justice Research3:30pm4:50pmFri, Nov 15Sierra F, 5th Level


Session TitleStart TimeEnd TimeDayRoom
"But what do the data say?” Exploiting Linked Admin Data to Confront Theory8:00am9:20amSat, Nov 16Foothill A, 2nd Level
Emerging Research in White-Collar/Corporate Crime8:00am9:20amSat, Nov 16Foothill G2, 2nd Level
Interventions, Journeys, and Evaluations of Crime9:30am10:50amSat, Nov 16Foothill D, 2nd Level
Technology, Temperature, and Time Use: Different Theoretical Directions for Preventing Various Crimes9:30am10:50amSat, Nov 16Foothill A, 2nd Level
Evaluating Restorative Justice Interventions in Schools11:00am12:20pmSat, Nov 16Pacific D, 4th Level
Gendered Risks in Victimization and Arrest11:00am12:20pmSat, Nov 16Foothill C, 2nd Level
Lots, Housing, and Crime11:00am12:20pmSat, Nov 16Nob Hill A, Lower B2 Level
Routine Activities: Tourists, Shoppers, and the Weather11:00am12:20pmSat, Nov 16Nob Hill B, Lower B2 Level