The AEC Joan McCord Award to be Presented at ASC

The 2018 Joan McCord Award will be presented to Dr. Pamela K. Lattimore at the 2018 American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. Join the DEC/AEC on Wednesday, November 14 from 2:00 to 3:30 pm in the Atlanta Marriott Marquis (A602, Atrium Level).

Dr. Lattimore will describe her corrections-focused research in a presentation titled “Searching for Evidence: Ruminations on Correctional Evaluation”.

Pamela K. Lattimore is Senior Director for Research Development for RTI’s Division for Applied Justice Research with responsibility for leading impactful multidisciplinary research focused on improving understanding of crime and related problems, the criminal justice system, and prevention and intervention activities designed to ameliorate societal problems and increase community and individual resilience. She has more than 30 years of experience evaluating interventions and investigating the causes and correlates of criminal behavior. Dr. Lattimore has led multiple multisite, multimodal experimental and quasi-experimental evaluations, including the NIJ-funded evaluation of the Honest Opportunity Probation with Enforcement Demonstration Field Experiment. She was named a Fellow of the Academy of Experimental Criminology in 2009, was awarded the Peter P. Lejins Researcher Award from the American Correctional Association in 2015, and was presented with the Distinguished Scholar Award by the Division on Corrections and Sentencing of the American Society of Criminology in 2015. Dr. Lattimore has published extensively, has served on the editorial boards of multiple academic journals, and is co-editor of the annual series Handbook on Corrections and Sentencing, which is sponsored by the American Society of Criminology’s Division of Corrections and Sentencing and published by Routledge Press.